Cool Earth
Cool Earth is the charity that backs people to protect rainforest and fight the climate crisis.
Cool Earth believes Indigenous people and local communities who live in rainforest are the best people to protect it. They give cash directly to rainforest communities, fund projects and work alongside local charities, to drive sustainable incomes, create food security and enable climate adaptation.
Cool Earth imagines a future where people everywhere help tropical rainforest to not only fight the climate crisis but stop it entirel.
Buyagift shares this vision and supports Cool Earth to keep rainforest standing, carbon sequestered and the planet cool.
If as a business you are fortunate enough to find yourselves in a position where you are able to make a difference then we feel you have an obligation to do so. We are proud to be working with Cool Earth in an effort to help slow the relentless destruction of the rainforests. Thank you for helping us make a difference.
Cacao production provides a vital income for the Ashaninka in Peru.
This people powered project, provides agroforestry training within the Asháninka partnership, to sustainably produce quality cacao. It aims to develop sustainable incomes, create local market links, and protect rainforest.